Do What You Can, Where You Are

Written by Tania Conner

My journey with Freedom 4/24 began with a broken heart and a Virtual 5K run.  In 2016, a trip to Greece where I learned about sex trafficking in the Greek culture, brought awareness and education of this atrocity and the devaluing of human life. I knew a passion began in me, and I wanted to make a difference however I could.

As I began that run, I remembered that every 30 seconds, someone in the world is being trafficked. During that 5K run—60 victims.

Back home in Lynchburg, VA., I desired this new passion to impact victims of sex trafficking with rescue, healing, and true freedom.  I learned that trafficking is happening around the globe, and I could make a difference to bring Light to this darkness no matter where I am. As I prayed for God to show me opportunities, I came across Freedom 4/24 and saw their mission to raise awareness and support for victims and survivors of human trafficking and sexual exploitation.  That very week, they were holding a virtual 5K to raise funds for their partner organizations, and I was excited to register!

As I began that run, I remembered that every 30 seconds, someone in the world is being trafficked. During that 5K run—60 victims. I wanted each step to be used as a voice for each victim and a new life of transformation and hope begin for them. What an incredible way to pray and advocate, to be alongside these girls and show love and support.  

From Race Participant to Race Director to Walking the Red-Light Districts of Thailand


Since then, I have been amazed at the opportunities that God has given to serve alongside Freedom 4/24.  From running 50 miles in the Charity Partner Program to Lynchburg Race Director to praying on the streets of Thailand’s Red Light District.  The highlight for me personally was meeting the girls in the Homes of New Beginnings (partner home of Freedom 4/24) in Bangkok and Pattaya. To see their smiles and hear their laughter and to witness the Light in their eyes because of the hope, and freedom, and love of their new family was life-giving.  To know they can dream and have goals in their life is truly incredible. To spend time with them, doing what they love, and just being by their side was an intensely beautiful part of my journey.   

For the Ones Who Have a Name and A Story

Four years later, here we circle back again for another Virtual 5K for Run 4 Their Lives because of the COVID-19.  I am reminded of the simple way we can all be a part of the work of freedom and justice by standing together for a significant mission.  I invite you to continue to carry the Hope of this mission wherever you might be, doing what you love for these girls who have a name and a story.  You can be a Life Changer! We may not see their faces, but our impact brings the greatest joy. And I know they say, “Thank You!”    

Let your story of bringing freedom and justice to victims of human trafficking begin this Saturday, April 11 in the Run 4 Their Lives VIRTUAL 5k! Register today for $24!


Tania Conner is the Lynchburg Race Director for Run 4 Their Lives. She joined Freedom 4/24 as a virtual race participant in 2016 and has become invested in Freedom 4/24 and the lives of victims around the world. She is a mom, a wife, and an incredible friend of the staff at Freedom 4/24.