Freedom 4/24 began as the audacious dream of a 19-year-old college student to make a difference in the lives of sexually exploited girls in the red light areas of Bangkok, Thailand. Since then, Freedom 4/24 has grown into a global effort to bring freedom and justice for trafficked and exploited women and children.

Today, our mission is to prevent and end sexual exploitation and trafficking locally and globally. We raise awareness, provide prevention education, and expand the restoration work of our partners.

Freedom 4/24 is committed to providing support and resources to organizations that are passionate about ending exploitation by providing a pathway to freedom for trafficked and exploited women and children.

Support Our Mission

For victims and survivors of trafficking, just $24 a month can provide:

  • 1 week of education

  • 2 weeks of counseling

  • 3 weeks of housing

  • 4 weeks of food

Beyond this, $24 provides hope, freedom, and justice. Invest in prevention and restoration so women and children can be free from exploitation.