Freedom 4/24’s Prevention Education

To end human trafficking, we need to prevent it from happening in the first place.

FACT: 84% of defendants on trial for sex trafficking used the internet.

FACT: The average age of first exposure to pornography is 11 years old.

FACT: 1 of 4 girls and 1 of 6 boys will be sexually abused before they turn 18.

WATCH: Trailer for Freedom 4/24 Human Trafficking Prevention Curriculum, Grades 5-12

We are currently implementing and piloting our trauma-informed and evidence-based curriculum in schools to prevent and identify child exploitation. Watch our trailer and contact us to request a demo.


Take your next step in preventing sexual exploitation:


Visit to get the full-length video for you and your teen!


Our shortened prevention curriculum for parents and teens.

A shortened “at-home” curriculum for parents and teens. Get access below!

Compelled Podcast

Learn more about human trafficking and stories of people who’ve been compelled to do something. The Freedom 4/24 Compelled podcast is a an educational and conversational way to become an engaged and aware advocate for freedom and justice

Watch the Season 1 Trailer: